Contact Us

Arville Bus Yard

Richard C. White Transportation Center

Address: 4499 S. Arville St, Las Vegas, NV 89103

Phone: (702) 799-8100          Fax: (702) 799-8191

Hours: Mon – Fri, 6am – 7pm


Cheyenne Bus Yard

Lee Tate Transportation Center

Address430 W. Brooks Ave., North Las Vegas, NV 89030

Phone: (702) 799-8100                Fax: (702) 799-0403

Hours: Mon – Fri, 6am – 5pm

Northwest Bus Yard

Northwest Transportation Facility

Address: 10902 West Washburn Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89166

Phone: (702) 799-8100                   Fax: (702) 799-4675

Hours: Mon – Fri, 6am – 5pm


Russell Bus Yard

Gunter H. Koepsell Satellite

Address: 1700 Galleria Dr, Henderson, NV 89014

Phone: (702) 799-8100         Fax: (702) 799-0739

Hours: Mon – Fri, 6am – 5pm


Wallace Bus Yard

Matthew B. Wallace Transportation Center

Address: 975 Welpman Way, Henderson, NV 89044

Phone: (702) 799-8100             Fax: (702) 799-6875

Hours: Mon – Fri, 6am – 5pm


Is there a lost and found?

Items left on the bus are kept either onboard for a few days iin an attempt to locate the owner or turned into the dispatch office at the driver’s assigned yard location. If items are not claimed they will be donated to local charities.

Why does my child have an assigned seat?

Seat assignments are a positive way for the ride to be consistent and safe. This will also assist the driver in familarizing themselves with students and can be beneficial regarding discipline and damage done on the bus.

Does Transportation call when a bus is running late?

No, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Transportation does send out Bus Alert email and push notifications to OnBoard to parents and students when a bus is running more than 10-15 minutes. Messages are sent out to email addresses provided through your child’s Infinite Campus record. You may also check the status of the bus by checking our new Onboard bus tracking app or you may choose to call the Transportation Call Center at 799-8100 after 15 minutes beyond the scheduled stop time.

Who is responsible for my child on the way to and from the bus stop?

The parent/guardian is responsible for the safety and conduct of their child/children on the way to and from, or while waiting at the bus stop.

What should I do if my child does not get off the bus AT The stop in the afternoon?

If your child does not arrive at the stop in the afternoon, the first step should be to contact the school to see if the child is still there. If the student is not at the school, call the Transportation Call Center at 799-8100 so we may assist in locating your child. Calls after normal business hours should be directed to School Police at 799-5411.

What kind of training does my child's driver receive?

Each driver receives 48 hours of behind the wheel training and 40 hours of classroom training. All drivers receive the same all-inclusive training in anticipation of having to drive any type of bus and manage various students with differing behaviors and/or limitations. Each driver is also required to complete 10 hours of annual in-service training prior to the start of each school year.

Why can't the bus come into my subdivision or cul-de-sac?

Buses generally come in various lengths, widths, heights and weights. The length and turn radius are what limits a school bus’s ability to maneuver in cul-de-sacs and tight places. Most subdivisions are not designed with school bus transportation in mind. The placement of general education bus stops within communities can present safety risks, private property damage and traffic issues.

What kind of transportation is available for special needs students?

A special needs student’s right to be eligible for transportation services is based upon two federal statutes enacted by Congress. Services are based on an individual need to children from the age of 3 through 21. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) must be established by a multi-disciplinary team qualifies a student for special education services which may include the need for transportation.

Children receiving transportation services as a related service are evaluated and provided services within the least restrictive environment (LRE) structure. Adapted buses should only be used as a separate, special transportation service if the child’s needs can be met only with transportation services that are separate from the transportation services for all children. Students identified for curb to curb transportation services are provided this service to/from the closest access point to their residence within the scope of the student’s abilities. Bus stop locations may be identified as the entrance of the student’s private/gated community and/or the closest accessible corner if they reside in a cul-de-sac or on a dead-end street.

How many students can ride a single bus?

This answer varies depending on the size of the bus. Typically, a large bus will carry up to aprox. 44-56 high school students, 49-62 middle school students and up to 66-84 elementary students.

How are bus stop locations determined?

Bus stops are placed in centralized locations. Stop locations must be clear of any hazards, allow space for students to stand single file as they await the bus and be visible to the approaching school bus driver and other drivers. Stop locations may be adjusted year to year to maintain safe, efficient, and economical operation of transportation service. 

When you receive your child’s bus stop information by written notice or phone, two intersecting streets and corner are often indicated. Instruct your child to stand on the street listed first on the stop description and move at least 50 feet away from the corner. Children should never stand directly on the corner or around the corner out of the driver’s sight.

Why does my child have to be at the bus stop ten minutes before the pickup time?

There are many factors that may affect the time a driver arrives at a given stop. Daily traffic patterns and student loads are unpredictable and may cause a driver’s time to vary. These situations, plus differences in clock times have proven over the years that arriving 10 minutes early gives a student an adequate window of time to ensure they dont miss the bus.

Can my student take their instrument to school?

Small instruments that can fit on a student’s lap are OK, such as a flute, clarinet, and violin. We cannot transport anything too large as it jeopardizes student safety. There is no viable way of securing the instruments on a school bus.

What are the bus rules, and where can I find them?

The rules are outlined on the Parents Page

Will my child receive Transportation if he/she is on a zone variance?

No, your child is not eligible for transportation when on a zone variance due to the buses not transporting outside of a school’s boundary. When the paperwork is signed by the parent/guardian it states “no transportation provided”, while the signature indicates parent awareness and agreement.

How is the two mile walk zone calculated?

Per the School District Regulation 3531, Walking Distance and Safety Conditions are as follows:
A “walking distance” of two miles from a school is measured from the edge of a dedicated street or road immediately in front of the main entrance to the school grounds along dedicated streets or roads to a point on the edge of the street or road immediately in front of the walkway or access to the individual residence. In unique situations, where extensive school setbacks from a dedicated street exist, the Transportation Department, at its determination, may use measurements on school district roads to the main entrance of the school for determination of the two-mile “walking distance”.

What time can I plan on to meet my child's bus returning from school?

Unlike the scheduled pick-up times, drop-off times can vary greatly. The PM drop off time provided by written notice or phone is only an approximate and can varying up to 15 minutes based on traffic and other delays. Buses usually depart school sites 7 minutes after the scheduled release bell time.  Some buses are scheduled to pick up at more than one school for sister schools, magnets and schools in close proximity to each other. Once the driver has loaded all students, they will begin traveling the assigned route which likely includes stopping at several stops.  Some variation in stop times can be expected due to varying traffic patterns through the work week.  Most buses will fall into a pattern after a few weeks so parents/guardians can ensure they are at the stop on time.  When school release times are altered (for certain test schedules, parent-teacher conference days, extra staff development days, etc.), the schools and/or the driver will let the students know. Parents/Guardians can determine the potential arrival time based on the school’s release time. For example, if the school will release one hour earlier than usual, the bus will likely arrive at the bus stop one hour early.